Thirty Four


Wow, this is pretty late for me. My annual birthday post has become a bit of a tradition for me over the years. Posting a little update on what the last year has meant for me and what I hope to accomplish in the next chapter.( I think it’s something to do with my birthday being a week after New Year’s that makes me so goal-orientated.) But I turned thirty four in January and just… didn’t write anything.

I guess that’s a bit of a trend lately though. I feel less compelled to blog about my life, maybe that’s the getting older thing. And I’m not travelling all that much with the whole pandemic-still-at-large thing, so I’m not writing about travel either. So I guess in the last year I’ve stepped away from my corner of the internet a little. Not completely. This isn’t an I’m-done-with-blogging kind of post. But it’s just something to note I guess.

Thirty Three was good to me though. I wasn’t travelling or blogging, but after what we all endured in 2020 and a lot of 2021, I think I’ve done a good job at focusing on what matters. For a lot of my life I’ve been a living-for-the-weekend kind of gal. I would spend all week waiting for Friday, all year waiting for Christmas and would count down to my trips abroad as though they were the only things I could look forward to. And I get it, they are all the wonderful things I love. But this year, I’ve been trying to appreciate the little things. And yeah, I guess that is a direct response to all of the big things being taken away from us all! I’ve tried to appreciate my Saturday morning routine of taking my little girl to her football class, followed by our ritural family coffee date. I’ve enjoyed making pockets of time for myself, getting into reading again, doing lunchtime yoga classes, and wearing clothes that make me smile. I’ve tried to take more photos of my family and friends that are just for me, not for Instagram. And I like who I am becoming overall.

I went back to read my Thirty Three post and wow, that was a terrible birthday. Lockdown. Having just missed Christmas. With no idea when it would end. Brutal. I put a positive spin on it I think, but when you look back I think just surviving another year has to be an accomplishment. I said in that post that my goal for the year was just to have PLANS again. Lol. Low expectations really. And I have had plans. I’ve done some nice little UK trips, I’ve spent time with my people, I have things booked in for 2022. So really, things are going great.

And what do I want from Thirty Four, huh?

Well I already have a big one in there. This is the year and the age that I get married. Which I’m guessing you’re already more than aware of since I’ve been banging out Wedding Planning diaries that honestly can’t be that interesting to anyone other than me! But it’s a big milestone. I’m also very much looking forward to the honeymoon. Maybe more so actually! A week in a fancy hotel in Greece is really what my soul needs.

Other than that, more of the same please! Which I think tells you I’m in a good place right now. I just want more time with my family, making memories together and enjoying our Saturday coffee dates.

Life is sweet in your mid-thirties, kiddo. x

An instax photo of a girl and a cake made of donuts.

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