What To Put In A Christmas Eve Box For A Toddler


This Christmas is actually Indi’s SECOND Christmas. I feel like all the fuss is around your child’s first Christmas, but let’s be real here, they’re way too young to enjoy it or know what’s actually happening.

This year however, I’m way more excitied for my daughter to experience Christmas. She’s nearly two so understands a lot more and I just can’t wait to see her face when we start putting the tree up (*cough* this weekend *cough*), or seeing decorations in our town or her little face on Christmas morning! Omg I actually can’t wait.

But obviously a lot of planning goes into this stuff when you’re a mum! And one thing I wanted to organise, was a Christmas Eve box for Indi.

What is a Christmas Eve Box?

A Christmas Eve box is, well, self-explanatory really, it’s a box of goodies you give little ones on Christmas Eve. I never had them as a kid, I don’t think they really became a thing until the Pinterest generation. But my Christmas Eves were always special. I was allowed to open one present from under the tree and then we would go to the local pantomime. Which is just peak-Christmas when you’re a kid, isn’t it?

And well, obviously there’s no panto this year, and even so I don’t think I can quite afford the extortionate prices these days. But I want to make sure Christmas Eve is special for Indi. And I think a Christmas Eve box is the way to go!

An out of focus Christmas tree

What Do You Put in a Christmas Eve Box?

So what do you put in these thingymajigs? Well I think it’s important that you add items that are relevant for your family. It’s easy to get carried away after scrolling Pinterest or Instagram for a little while and wanting to add everything festive you can think of. But there’s no point adding marshmallows and chocolate for s’mores (that you’ve seen on an American account) if you don’t have an open fire or live in California. Just saying.

It’s also worth noting that if you think realistically, this doesn’t need to be a big, expensive thing. I’ve popped below what I deem the “essentials” for a Christmas Eve box, and that is more than enough for any kid. Then there are a few extras that you could add, especially if there are any family traditions you have or want to start, that are for Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.

The Essentials

Christmas PJs – New festive Pjs for Christmas Eve? Come on, that’s a winner. And I love the idea of giving her pyjamas that she will wear on Christmas Eve and will be wearing when she opens her presents in the morning. And yes, I will of course try to find matching ones for me.

A Christmas Bedtime Book – I loved The Night Before Christmas when I was a kid and read it with my nan every year. But as I’m talking about a toddler here, there are younger books that would be more relevant, like Spot’s First Christmas, Elmer’s Christmas, That’s Not My Elf, How To Hide A Lion At Christmas or Duggee and the Christmas Badge.

Christmas Treats – I mean, if your kid bounces off the walls after a sniff of sugar, maybe go with popcorn or something healthier. But a sugary treat will go down well with all toddlers I think! I’m thinking chocolate coins or a sachet of hot chocolate. A gingerbread man or Christmas cookie could also be cute!

Family Traditions

Snacks to put out for Santa/Reindeers – If you want to put out mince pies for Father C or a carrot for ol’ Rudolph to nibble on, adding those things to the Christmas Eve Box could be cute. I’m pretty sure you can also buy sachets of “Reindeer Food” online if you want to be extra about it.

A Christmas film to watch together – Depending on your plans that evening, a Christmas film could be good. I don’t even think it needs to be one you’re buying brand new. If you want to watch something special on Christmas Eve, put it aside and add it to the box.

A letter from Father Christmas – I saw this one on Pinterest and thought it could be sweet if you’re really pushing the Santa angle this year. You could ask your kid to write a letter to the guy at the North Pole early in December and add his reply to the box.

An extra special decoration for the tree – You’ve likely done up the tree by 24th December, but adding a special decoration that night, maybe a personalised one with their name on it or something, could be a lovely new tradition.

Optional Extras

Slippers and/or Socks – These kind of things go along with the PJs but definitely aren’t essential. Just nice extras to add if you find nice ones.

Festive Stickers – Any kind of festive crafts would work if you want to make some sweet pictures that evening. I’m adding these stickers because my girl is obsessed with them.

A cup/mug/plate for Christmas Dinner – I’ve seen this online, but again, is an added extra. Just cute additions.

Christmas Morning - a 1 year old stands by the Christmas Tree wearing festive pyjamas

What Kind of Box Do You Need?

If you want to go all out, you can get a fancy personalised box off of Etsy (like this one). I think this is a good shout if you have a larger family and want to do one box to fit everyone’s treats in. A family box also means you could put a game in for you all to play or films to watch together.

But I think I’m going to go simple and just get one of those wooden crates from IKEA, or just a large gift box. I don’t think kids actually care about the box itself so don’t go crazy trying to make it perfect!

When Do You Give Kids Their Christmas Eve Box?

Ok, so my plan is to make Christmas Eve a proper event, so we have to start a little early so we can get it all in before bedtime! I guess that’s the thing with toddlers, once they’re older they can stay up a little later. But I’m planning on an early dinner and bathtime between 4 and 5pm, give her the box at 5pm, get into her Pjs, throw on a Christmas film and eat our festive snacks together. Then there’s enough time to get excited and read her new book before bed.

Omg I’m actually excited too. I feel like the magic of Christmas returns when you have a 2 year old??

I mean, Christmas Eves used to involve going to the pub and counting down to midnight on the dancefloor, to then erupt into Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas. Good times. But I’m just as happy about snuggling up with my family in our hopefully matching PJs (if Josh will let me), then after bedtime watching Die Hard with a glass of red wine and a cheese board.


Head on over to my Instagram for regular updates on my Christmas activities, millennial motherhood and life in general.


Pin For Later - Christmas Eve Box Ideas - Heels In My Backpack
PIN FOR LATER - Christmas Eve Box Ideas - Heels In My Backpack

Total Blogger Transparency: This post contains a few affiliate links but I only ever recommend products I love. I wouldn’t play you like that, shorty.

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