Here’s something you might not know about me. I’m actually quite spiritual / spooky / woo woo… Lol, who am I kidding, you saw I wrote an astrology post last year right? Well, as well as the world of sun signs and moon signs (Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Libra rising if you’re asking), I’m also pretty into manifestation.
Wait, don’t go. Stay with me. I know it’s one of those eye-rolly words, but hun, I’m a believer. And you should be too.
Manifestation has worked for me in the past but I’ve just kind of let it fall by the wayside as my life has gotten more demanding. But I think it’s really important, especially when the world is going mad, so throughout lockdown I decided to actively make it a priority in my life again. And honestly, it’s just so great. It works. It’s amazing.
So I thought I would delve into this topic in today’s post and do a round-up of the manifestation approach that has worked for me, as well as list out some of the cool shit I’ve managed to manifest. Because I love reading posts like this. I find it super expanding (more on that word later) to see what people have managed to manifest into their lives. So here I am, doing the same.
But hey, this is a new topic for me, so let’s start at the very beginning…
What Is Manifestation?
To put it simply, manifestation is the act of bringing into your life exactly what you want. It’s the law of attraction and putting your mindset into the right “frequency” to attract the things you desire.
That will sound like complete rubbish to anyone new to manifestation, I know. Cynics will call it “wishful thinking” and will be firmly in the “I need to see it to believe it” camp. Because it does sound a bit mad when you first learn about this, doesn’t it?
Well my friend, there’s a lot more to it than you might imagine. And honestly, I don’t have the research or experience to explain it to you in more detail but there are thousands of books on the matter if you want to read more. I, like most people, learned about manifestation and the law of attraction from The Secret, a book that explained things well enough for me to be seriously interested in the topic. But also check out Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein or anything by Esther & Jerry Hicks if you want to do more reading on the subject. (There are some links and resources at the bottom of this post.)
But what I came away with after reading The Secret was the belief that we are all made of energy and so are material things. We need to be on the same frequency as the things we want to have these things in our lives. (Ugh, just writing that sounds so crazy. But I promise, it works. And I urge you to give it a go.)
As I’ve evolved my beliefs on the subject, I also believe that you have to do more than just think positive. You need to feel worthy of the things you want and make sure you don’t have any psychological blocks stopping you getting those things.

What Have I Manifested into My Life?
So what have I personally managed to manifest into my life? Well, everything actually. Everything in our lives we’ve manifested based on where our self-worth is at. But these are the things I know I actively brought into existence.
Perfect Car Park Spots
Ok, I’ll start small. WAY back in 2009, when I first read The Secret and learned about the Law of Attraction, I started to manifest small things. A lot of people start by attracting cups of coffee, for example. But for me, I attracted car park spots.
I used to work in a shop in a retail park at the time and would often do afternoon/evening shifts which would mean I was arriving at lunchtime, to a very full car park. Once I started visualising the car park space I wanted on the way to work, it would ALWAYS be there waiting for me. Like, I’m talking the parking spot in front of the shop that wasn’t a 10 minute walk away.
That right there was enough to make me believe that this shit works.
Our Very Affordable First House
Let’s fast forward to something more recent. Last year Josh and I bought our very first house. And I am 100% sure we manifested it, because quite frankly, it was too good to be true.
At the time we were living with my parents as we couldn’t afford to pay rent whilst I was only earning maternity pay. And I was convinced we wouldn’t get a mortgage until I was back working full time. I also didn’t think we’d be able to save enough for a deposit whilst I was only bringing in the statutory mat pay of £500-odd a month.
But I felt very worthy of being a homeowner. We only wanted somewhere small, a place of our own for our little family. Surely that was doable?
Well it was. Something very kismet happened. We decided on the housing estate we’d like to live on, went to the sales office (it’s a newbuild estate with those sales offices at the front), sat down with someone, and just enquired as to what 2 bedroom properties they had available. They only had 1… And it was part of the Reduced Cost Housing Scheme which meant it had 30% off the asking price… Then they told us there was a mortgage advisor in that day and did we want to chat to him? We did and he was able to show us mortgages that would accept us right now (with me on mat leave) and only need a 5% deposit. Of the reduced house price. Which was exactly the amount of money we’d have by the time the house was built.
I wondered whether we were a bit mad to buy a house without seeing it, and with it being the first house we’d been shown, in the first estate we’d visited. But actually I just think it was completely meant to be. We moved in last summer and love our little home.

My Fiance?
I didn’t conciously manifest Josh, but in retrospect, I kind of did. I mean, I always said I wanted a Pisces partner. I just love Pisces people, they’re the best. (I’m a Capricorn and I think I like how free and bohemian they tend to be in contrast to myself.) And he was everything else on my mental list – independent, creative, loyal, funny. You could say that was just good luck that we found each other, but a little while later, I remembered I had started a vision board on Pinterest (a secret board, obvs) and had pinned a picture of a guy. He has Josh’s look and build, as well as his exact style. And he was holding a camera in the photo and I remember when I pinned it thinking that I’d love a partner with a creative job (Josh is a designer). So although it didn’t feel like I was actively pursuing this manifestation, I really believe I had something to do with this relationship coming into my life.
Extra Money in February 2020
So this year. I’d been thinking about how I wanted to get more into manifestation and discovered The Manifestation Collective by Victoria Jackson. I think I initially found her via Sophie Cliff’s Instagram, but was immediately hooked. Victoria is one of few UK-based manifestation experts and her Facebook Group is a great place to start. But I decided to get involved and enrolled in her Abundance Academy course.
The course is all online with audio clips and workbooks to help you start raking in that financial abundance we all want. And I loved it. It’s really good if you’re a beginner to manifesting, but as someone that’s had success manifesting throughout my adult life, I found it really helpful to have regular reminders and a dedicated community to support me. I also learned some new tips I hadn’t heard anywhere else, and I liked how really practical it was.
For February, when I was taking this Abundance Academy course, I set myself a target of £585 to manifest, to cover the deposit on my new car lease. I ended up with just under £1,000 of additional income, on top of my salary. SO IT WORKS. If you’re interested in Victoria’s course, please use this link to enrol in Abundance Academy, which starts up again this month. It’s an affiliate link, but I wouldn’t recommend anything I didn’t see results with. Trust me, it’s great. (And you get lifetime access so I’ll be doing it all over again next month!)
Money in Lockdown
Conveniently the Abundance Academy course was right before lockdown, so I was already in a very good mindset for attracting money. And I decided to keep it going. I truly think the human brain is a “seeing is believing” kinda guy, so as soon as I knew it was possible to attract this kind of money, it felt like it would be easy to do it again, y’know?
So, at the beginning of March, I set myself a target of £4,000 to manifest in the rest of 2020, to pay off my credit card. It was a 0% balance card, so it wasn’t urgent, but I wanted to pay it off in 2020 so that I could start saving for our wedding in 2021.
Then lockdown hit.
Josh and I were both on 80% of our usual salaries so I didn’t think we’d have any disposable income. But what do you know, without paying for coffees and lunches and beers with pals, we managed to pay off the full £4,000 by the beginning of July. I’m so impressed with ourselves.
This is a good example of how manifestation works. You might not win the lottery or find a £50 note on the floor, but circumstances shift to make it easier to reach your goal.
My Career
I was trying to think whether I’d manifested any jobs and two come to mind. The first happened years ago. I was in a safe job. It was very easy, it was a 10 minute walk from my house, I never worked late, but it wasn’t challenging enough for me and I wanted more money. I felt like I was worth more. (That’s the key to this, kids.)
And lo and behold, someone I used to work with a couple of years before, got in touch to offer me a better job. I hadn’t even applied for other jobs and this one just popped up out of the blue, was more challenging, a more senior position and offered a £8k salary increase.
The second job I think I manifested, was my current one. I was in a terrible job at the time. Like, seriously, if I ever write a book and there’s a villain, I will base it on that boss, he was a monster. (He made people stay late on a Friday evening to clean the office because he wouldn’t hire a cleaner. He was that bad.) And I think I was at a career rock bottom (which are very powerful for attracting what you want by the way).
I started applying for jobs in a completely different field and then came by a LinkedIn job that was more aligned with my experience and my degree and was based locally. It was a fashion brand that I didn’t even know was based in my hometown despite researching them a lot. And the job was perfect for me. And I’m still here! I honestly think I manifested it out of a place of “I DESERVE MORE THAN THIS”. I think that’s such a powerful statement, and essential for manifestation. You need to feel deserving.
Remote Working
At the beginning of 2020, I set myself 3 intentions/goals I wanted to manifest for the year. One hasn’t happened yet so I’ll stay schtum, one was the £4k I wanted to pay off my credit card, and the other one was flexible working.
My company are not big on remote working so I didn’t entirely know how it would happen. But obviously during lockdown, I’ve been 100% working from home and have a much better work/life balance. It feels weird saying you benefitted from a global pandemic that killed lots of people, and I don’t mean it that way. But I still think it’s insane that this was my intention for the year and it came true through ways I never would’ve believed. It was an opportunity for me to prove I can work remotely and do a good job, y’know? Hopefully it can be a long-term thing…

Ok but… HOW Do I Manifest?
It’s going to take more than this blog post and I MASSIVELY encourage you to do more reading (see resources at the bottom of this post). But here’s a rough outline.
1) Figure Out What You Want
I find this the hardest part if I’m honest with you. What do I want from my life? Try thinking about where you want to be in 5 years time and go from there. And try to resist saying you want to be a millionaire or you want huge piles of cash, because money isn’t the thing you actually want. You want what you can buy with money – the physical, material things you want – or freedom, or flexibility. Now, make your list.
2) Vision Board
Vision boards are a classic. Not everyone needs a vision board, you can manifest in your head if you’re experienced enough at it, but I find vision boards help as a reminder of what I want. A daily reminder of the things I want to bring into my life.
Back in the day you would do this with magazines and scissors and glue, but you can just as easily create one on Canva or PowerPoint and save it as your desktop background or home screen on your phone. Or like I said, a secret Pinterest board also works. The point is that you are clear on what you want.
3) Gratitude / Act As If / Scripting
There are a few methods for manifesting, but the most popular method is gratitude. It’s feeling grateful for what you have and grateful for what is coming. It’s also acting as if you already have the thing that you want. How would getting that thing make you feel? How would you act? Would you do anything differently? Doing this aligns you with that thing you want and makes it possible to come into your life.
A new thing for me is scripting. That’s just putting your pen to paper and writing as though you have the thing you want, in the present tense. Maybe writing like it’s your diary, a run through of your day, talking about those things you have. Writing about your dream life. I don’t think it’s for everyone, but seeing the words in my handwriting does help solidify things for me.
4) Make Sure You Feel Worthy
I’ve said this a lot in this post but it’s because it’s something I’ve only really realised this year. You need to feel like you deserve the things you’re calling in or it won’t work. I’ve recently signed up to Lacy Phillips’ To Be Magnetic courses (I’ll report back if you guys are into this stuff) and that’s been one of my initial takeaways from it.
5) Find Expanders
You know I said “seeing is believing” is key for your brain to believe that something is possible? Well, it really helps if you find people that already have what you want. It makes you truly believe that it is possible for you to have it too. It doesn’t have to be in real life, follow people on Instagram that have the job you want or watch YouTube videos of couples with the relationship you want. It’s to expand your mind into believing that these things are a possibility.
6) Daily Reminders
This is something I’m working on right now. I find I get really into this stuff and then drop it. But manifestation kind of works like a snowball effect, you need to stay at it, y’know? So daily reminders are key for me personally. Whether that’s listening to regular podcasts or having my vision board on my phone. Just stay in touch with the process and magic will happen!
Manifestation Resources
Abundance Academy (aff link) – A course for manifesting money! Registration for the latest course opens today and closes on 31st July, so be quick!
To Be Magnetic – A general manifestation course I’ve just started, will report back with my verdict, but take a look if you’re interested.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (aff link)
The Power by Rhonda Byrne (aff link)
Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein (aff link)
Ask And It Is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks (aff link)
Facebook Group
Expanded by Lacy Phillips
Manifestation Babe by Kathrin Zenkina
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! This was a bit different from me, I know, but I think if you’re interested in this kind of thing, there are some fab little gems in this blog post! Let me know what your experience of manifestation is, I love hearing other people’s stories about this!
Head over to my Instagram for regular updates on my manifestations, millennial motherhood and life in general.
Total Blogger Transparancy: This post contains some affiliate links but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I wouldn’t play you like that, shorty.