I did a thing… Welcome to the Millennial Mama Club!


I’ve had this little project ticking away in my head for a while now. I wanted somewhere or something that would bring together mums like me. I wanted an outlet I could get deep into the mum stuff, have a rant and have a laugh. Where I could do little reviews of products or conduct interviews with other mums. Where I could celebrate mum wins and just generally be myself without worrying whether I was alienating people reading this blog that just came for the travel and have no idea who Bing is. And so I’ve started a new ~thing~. Millennial Mama.

Millennial Mama, a name that really says it all, is all about mums my age, in their twenties and thirties, talking about what’s going on their lives. Balancing family and career and a social life. Wanting cute plant pots from Anthropologie but not being able to put them out because the toddler will just tread handfuls of soil into the carpet. Being in a business meeting and having the potato song from CBeebies stuck in their heads. Trying their best to muddle through this crazy thing called motherhood whilst still retaining their personalities and some semblence of a life.

I have BIG plans for Millennial Mama. I basically want to take over the world. And I’m reading a lot of manifestation stuff at the moment so HEY, MAYBE I WILL. But, I’m starting humbly with a newsletter.

The newsletter will be filled with lots of lovely stuff, from exclusive essays about parenting to shopping links and even a book club. I’ll also be showcasing the best of the Millennial Mama community and you can be featured just be using #MillennialMamaClub on Instagram.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be writing about my experiences as a mother on this here blog o’ mine, (check out my motherhood posts over here) because I really just can’t help myself. But the newsletter is going to be fab for shorter pieces and more in-depth parenting stuff that doesn’t really feel relevant for this blog.

I should say, there will be things other then mum life on there. After all, we are well-rounded humans with lots of interests, so you’ll also find style, interiors, advice and listicles in there. In fact, in the very first edition hitting inboxes this weekend, you’ll find an essay about parenting in a pandemic, a little homeware edit if you fancy spending some pennies, a non-parenting-related book I recommend and a personal little hello from me to you. But trust me, I have so much more I want to include in these newsletters, so I really hope you like them.

Oh and it doesn’t stop there.

I’ve also set-up a brand new Facebook Group for all you Millennial Mamas out there. It’s a place to ask advice, link to cool mum life articles you’ve found on the internet, share discount codes and lol at the oh-so-accurate memes about motherhood.

I really hope you get involved because I think it will be awesome to have a strong, independent army of mums looking out for each other and just having a laugh. Post-bedtime of course.

It’s kind of scary launching something new so I really hope you like it! If you have any questions or feedback for me, do let me know. And thanks for the support lads, you da best.

Head on over to my Instagram for regular updates on motherhood and life in general.

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