Life is weird right now. For all of us. Weird. There’s really no other way of describing it. Unless you say it’s “unprecedented” but let’s all agree we never want to use that word ever again.
It is a bloody strange existence we’re living, isn’t it? A contradictory mix of life being completely extraordinary, but at the same time rather ordinary. Almost mundane. Pottering around the house, wearing loungewear daily, baking banana bread on the regs because it seems to be all the rage on Instagram. It’s like every day is Sunday.
But at the same time the corona virus pandemic is all you can read about on news apps. The death toll is rising every day, the economy is going to shit and the worst part is that no-one really has any idea how long this strange existence of ours is going to go on for. I don’t know about you, but the reality of being in lockdown, trapped in our homes because there is a deadly virus outside, hits me in waves. Waves of anxiety that wash over me every time my phone flashes up the latest articles about mass graves being built in Iran or our local ice hockey rink being marked as a potential morgue. It’s chilling.
And then you have to make dinner or do bathtime for your toddler and life goes back to being ordinary again.
I’m very aware that we’re a part of history right now. That one day kids will learn about a virus that shut down the whole world. That changed the culture of our society. Because I truly think things will change. Not to get too political about it but I can’t see how the government can ignore the needs of the NHS anymore. Or actually how anyone could vote for the political party that underfunded them and denied them the PPE they needed. Maybe those workers that are considered essential during the pandemic, will no longer be undervalued and called “low-skilled”. I can also see lots of workers asking for more flexible hours now that they’ve proved they can get the job done from home. Which would be a massive step for parents and carers that are struggling to maintain careers alongside caring needs. And let’s face it, most of them are female, so it would be great for gender equality too.
Or you know, maybe nothing will change. But it’s something to think about right?
Or actually, maybe the changes will be more personal than big political changes. Maybe we will all take this time to figure out what’s really important to us. What makes us happy and what we don’t really need. I’ve certainly had a bit of that.
I stressed out when my work temporarily reduced my pay and when Josh was put on furlough. But then I realised that without meals out and coffees and booking holidays, we’re actually ok for money. (We got a mortgage holiday too which relieved the pressure.) We’re really fortunate that we can afford the life we have and there are a lot of people out there who aren’t in the same privileged boat. We have everything we need without needing a lot of money. We have a wonderful little family and our cute nest of a house. We cook delicious meals together and get outside for a walk around the neighbourhood each day. We’re ok, y’know?
I just want to remember when all of this is over, that I don’t need lots of stuff. That I’m grateful for what I have.
And I guess that’s the point of this post. I feel the need to document this strange part of my life, to one day look back and remember what is was like when the UK was on lockdown. To remember that it was a strange time and we missed our family and friends but we were alright and got by with daily video calls with our loved ones. To remember that I was crazy busy with work but I could play with Indi during breaks and Josh would cook me something decent for lunch. That we would get bored walking the same route around our area, but the blossom was pretty and the sun was shining most days. That I got quality time to bond with my daughter and watch Disney films together.
Obviously it’s a horrific thing that’s happening in the world. But we will get through it. We just have to carry on living ordinary lives (at home) during an exceptionaly extraordinary time.
A strange existence indeed.
READ MORE: My new WFH Routine.
Find me over on my Instagram page for regular updates on what I’m cooking for dinner, the loungewear OOTD and which Disney film I’ve decided to watch with my toddler at 6am.