Ahhh I finally made it to a baby milestone I’ve been looking forward to for AGES. Our first family holiday abroad!
It was a little later than I had originally planned, what with the house move and the fact that having a baby is kind of a bigger deal than I thought it would be. But finally I’m back to travelling. And now with a new small travel companion in tow.
I’ll write lots about the trip and the destination and what it’s like travelling with a tiny human, but I thought I would just do a quick catch-up post to let you know how it went. And well? It was a lot of fun! It was definitely hard work and felt a lot different to trips of yore, but it was fun nonetheless and I’m glad we took the plunge.
The best parts were showing Indi somewhere new and having some new experiences with her. We let her try gelato for the first time (she absolutely loves it, of course) and we took her to the aquarium for the first time (she’s not such a fan, but to be honest neither am I). And it was really nice to go out with her in the evenings. At home I’m pretty strict with her bedtime and routine but on holiday I thought we could be a bit flexible with it. So it was nice to take her out to cafes and family-friendly bars. Especially seeing as it’s Spain so there are kids everywhere until 10pm.
I also think Seville was the perfect choice for our first trip as it feels so safe and is so easy to get around. Plus the locals loved Indi. I always find Western Europe cultures are also so keen on babies! So yeah, it was a lovely trip.

But like I said it was hard work. I had planned for the plane to be stressful, maybe the transfer, but I hadn’t considered that Indi might not settle in our Airbnb. Which she didn’t. I mean, it’s a new environment for her, so I guess it’s to be expected. But she just wouldn’t go to sleep in the evenings, and when she did she woke every hour. So yes, I’ve come back from holiday feeling very tired and needing another holiday, funnily enough.
All-in-all though, I’d say it was a successful first trip. And now that we’ve done it once, I definitely feel more confident taking her away again. I mean, I’m not jumping on a long-haul flight anytime soon, but another European break is definitely on the cards in the Spring. Watch this space I guess!
Anyway, like I said, I’ll have lots more Seville posts this month as part of my little #NovBlogathon experiment. But in the mean time, head on over to my Instagram for lots of snaps from this trip!