I’ve seen travel bloggers on Instagram lately that give birth to their baby and then seem to immediately jump on a plane to an exotic destination with their newborn. And I mean, if that’s something you can do, why not? Go live your best life. But I knew before I had even had Indi that I wouldn’t be one of them.
As I’ve mentioned on here a couple of times, after I gave birth, there was a longer recovery period than I had imagined. Turns out giving birth is a pretty major thing. So the idea of jumping on a plane is crazy to me! I’m also really glad that I took the time to really focus on being a new mum and getting myself back to normal.
But it means that travel and blogging has taken a back seat in 2019. So even though I’m normally a 10-12 trips a year kinda gal (ugh, they were the days), I’ve not actually taken Indi on holiday yet.
I mean, I’ve also been buying a house so funds are definitely keeping me in the UK!
But I have experienced a couple of weekend staycations with my baby girl. Firstly down to the Kent seaside to visit my grandparents and then more recently to the Cotswolds for a cosy weekend in the countryside with my mini family.
And let me tell you, the prospect of packing for both of those trips was terrifying. Because babies need SO. MUCH. SHIT.
So I thought I’d share my staycation packing list for Indi with you. Most baby packing lists on the internet are definitely focused on holidays abroad, think swim nappies and sun hats, so I thought one based on a UK weekender might help some mamas out there. Let me know if it’s helpful!
(FYI this is based on a 7 month old baby so adjust as necessary!)

What To Pack For Baby’s First UK Staycation
Travel cot – I have this Hauck Sleep and Play one and it’s ideal. Alternatively find a hotel/Airbnb that provides a travel cot if you want to pack less.
Cot sheet – Regardless, always pack your own cot sheet. I have these cheap ones from Tesco.
Ewan The Dream Sheep – Babies can sometimes be a bit fussy when they’re not in their normal environment so I think taking their white noise machine can really help them settle in. Personally I’m a fan of Ewan The Dream Sheep.
Sleeping bag – As I’ve been travelling in summer I’ve been using a muslin 1 tog sleeping bag from Aden + Anais. I also have this 2.5 tog one for chillier Autumn nights.
Gro-egg (optional) – I use a Gro-egg to measure the temperature in the room and make sure I’m dressing my baby correctly. I mean I don’t think this is essential but it helps my new-mum-anxiety to know the temperature. Alternatively pack one of those little card temperature gauge things you get when you buy a gro-bag. If you know, you know.
Video Monitor (optional) – It kinda depends on your staycation plans whether you need to bring the monitor, but I liked being able to put Indi to bed and have a glass of red in front of the fire with Josh in our cute Cotswolds cottage earlier this month.
Sleepyhead (optional) – This is a total luxury and depends on your baby’s sleeping habits. In the first 5 months or so of Indi’s life she would only sleep in a Sleepyhead pod. Yeah yeah, I know they’re not meant to sleep overnight in them, but I did my research and it was the right thing for us. I’ve weaned her off it now so don’t need to bring it along. But if your baby loves it, just bring it. Makes life easier.
Bottle Feeding
Bottles – Travel is definitely an area of my life where I wish I had been able to breastfeed. It definitely involves packing less stuff! For a weekend, I just took 2 bottles with me and washed them regularly. I use these colourful Tommee Tippee ones FYI.
Microwave sterilising pouches – After 6 months you don’t actually need to sterilise bottles, but I’ve kept it up for a bit longer. If you’re sterilising, the microwave bags are great for trips. They take up very little space in your bag, last 30 uses and only take 3 mins in the microwave to sterilise 2 bottles at a time.
Formula – You have a few options here. Take the big tub of formula, buy it when you get there or measure out how much formula you need into the little dispenser tubs. I did the latter for my Cotswolds staycation as it was only a couple of days. It’s also worth taking a few emergency bottles of the premade stuff that comes with teats. I always think they’re good for any mid-journey tantrums.
Bottle brush – This is easily forgotten but a bottle brush is ideal for washing up your bottles when you’re away. Obviously it’s not the end of the world if you forget it, but I like taking mine.
Changing mat – I’m obsessed with my changing mat from Little Clean Bums – it folds around to keep your baby in one place and stop them rolling away! Massively recommend it for wriggly babies, and obvs it’s essential for nights away.
Nappies & Wipes – This is the same situation as the formula. You can either take everything you’ll need (better for short trips) or buy it when you get there (longer breaks). Your shout.
Nappy bags – It’s likely there won’t be a nappy bin where you will be staying, so pack some nappy bags for your stay. It’s only polite.
Bepanthan / Sudocrem (optional) – I mean, it’s kind of a ‘just in case’ thing for me, but I guess nappy rash products are dependent on your baby. You know their butt better than I do.

A couple of flannels – I don’t think you need to worry about bring your own baby bath on a staycation (although I know they do some that pack down flat – see this one here). You can use the sink or the bath, it’s not the end of the world. But I pack a few flannels for washing (as well as face-wiping post-mealtimes).
Baby wash – I’m a personal fan of the Aveeno Baby Daily Care Baby Hair and Body Wash.
Toothbrush and toothpaste (if baby has teeth) – I use this baby toothbrush and this Milk Teeth 0-2yrs toothpaste, just FYI.
Hair Brush – Self explainatory, right?
Baby Moisturiser – Again I’m an Aveeno Baby gal, I like their Baby Care Daily Baby Moisturising Lotion. Tres soft.
Towel (optional) – Depending on how young your baby is, you might want to use the towels available in your hotel/AirBnb rather than bringing your own. But it’s your call.
Weaning Bowl – One bowl is fine for a staycation, you can just wash it between meals. And you might only use it for breakfasts and dinner, and squeeze pouches straight onto a spoon for lunch out and about.
Weaning Spoons – I take two and wash them often. I use these Tommee Tippee ones.
Baby Food – What you pack food-wise is totally down to you and your baby. The easiest option is to take readymade pouches, or buy them when you’re there to save space. Or you can bring homemade meals in Tupperware if that’s more your jam. Alternatively if your baby is a bit older just order something for them in restaurants, or give them some of whatever you’re having. (I can’t wait to get to that stage!)
Feeding Bib – Ideally one that takes up minimal space and you can wipe clean easily. I actually really like these IKEA ones because they’re more like fabric than plastic and Indi is less likely to try to pull them off.
Snacks – For the journey, for days out exploring in-between meals, snacks are your friend. Indi likes Organix Sweetcorn Rings, Ella’s Kitchen Melty Sticks and Yeo Valley Little Ones yoghurts.
Water Beaker – My gal loves that sweet H2O. We use this Tommee Tippee Water Cup.
Out and about
Pram – A fold-up stroller is definitely preferable to big prams if you’re on a road trip. It means there’s more room in the boot for everything else. Luckily our Bugaboo Bee5 folds up pretty small though so there’s no need to buy a different pushchair for travel.
Car seat (if travelling by car) – Yep, car seat and isofix base, check!
Baby Carrier/Sling (optional) – Indi is getting a bit too big to do this all the time, but I really love carrying her around strapped to my chest. She’s happier because she can see more and it’s a lot easier to explore somewhere if you don’t have to worry about whether you can fit your pram somewhere, or whether there are lifts. I’m currently using this Infantino one but I’m on the look-out for something with more back support (let me know if you have recommendations!)

Small Toys – You can’t take the playmat or the mountain of toys, but a few little toys will keep your baby entertained. We took some stacking rings and some little toys that hook onto her pram to keep her smiling.
Board Book – If you read to baby before bed, be sure to pack a little board book. I find it easier to stick to your home routine when you’re somewhere new.
Everything else
Clothes – Enough for everyday you’re away with extras in case of spills/poonamis. Include layers in case there’s a change of weather, but don’t go too mental.
Muslins/Dribble Bibs – I always forget them. Take a few of each just in case.
Temperature Strips – Just a precaution, I take these temperature strips in case you’re worried baby has a fever. Saves you bringing a big thermometer.
Sachets of Calpol – Just in case baby is poorly or teething. You don’t need to bring the whole bottle, the little Calpol sachets are so handy for when you’re out and about.
Bumbo Chair (optional) – This is definitely something that takes up way too much space and is a total luxury item, but I love taking our “bumbo” chair with us on staycation s. It’s a little chair with a tray and a toy insert. Indi will sit in it and entertain herself whilst we’re unpacking and when you take the toys away it’s mini highchair for dinner time. Ours was from Mamas & Papas in the sale!
Dummies (optional) – Indi is a dummy girl, it is what it is. I bring a few in case she looses one.
Teething Gel (optional) – If you’re baby is teething, obvs. I use Bonjela Teething Gel.

Ok, so I think that’s it. She says after listing every baby product ever…
Is there anything you always make sure you pack when going on a staycation with your baby?
Head over to my Instagram and Twitter pages for regular updates on my travels (and staycation), motherhood and life in general.
Total Blogger Transparency: This post contains some affiliate links but all recommendations are my own. I wouldn’t play you like that, shorty.