When I was pregnant with Indi, I got the same advice from a few people: Make sure you fit the baby into your life, don’t fit your life around the baby. They were essentially saying, you do you, just with a baby in tow. Don’t change your whole life to accommodate the little tyke, just adapt it slightly to meet your new needs as a family.
So when shopping for a pram, I wanted to make sure it would travel well. Travel is a big part of my life, so if I was going to fit this baby around my hobbies and passions, it was going to have to get used to travelling.
Now, I admit I’ve been grounded for longer than I had hoped. And if I didn’t just buy a house, I would for sure be travelling this month. I feel ready. But y’know, I’m being a grown-up and saving for solicitor’s fees and sofas and all that boring stuff. So we’ll likely be doing Indi’s first holiday abroad later in the year.
But anyway, I digress.
What I’m really getting at here is that I did a lot of research to find a pram that would be lightweight and small when folded, in order to be good for travel. And fit into my tiny Fiat 500, but that’s another story.
There were three prams that caught my eye, the Bugaboo Bee5, Silver Cross Jet and Babyzen Yoyo. But the Babyzen one, although it packs up small enough to put in the overhead compartment of a plane, looked a little flimsy for everyday use. And I wanted a pram that did both. The Silver Cross one didn’t have a bassinet for newborns, and again, I didn’t want to buy multiple prams.
I knew Bugaboo were a reputable brand and the Bee5 seemed to be a compromise of all of my requirements. It’s lightweight and folds up relatively small. But it still has the newborn bassinet attachment and feels quite sturdy. Best of both worlds. Here’s how I got on.
** NOTE: The pram was gifted but I thoroughly researched the model beforehand and approached the brand myself. I would have bought it regardless! **

Bugaboo Bee5 Review
Rather than use once and review immediately, I’ve really taken my time using this pram. The pram is one of the most expensive purchases you make when you’re expecting a baby, so I felt it justified a long-term trial. I’ve been using the Bugaboo Bee5 for almost 5 months. I’ve used it in a city, I’ve used it in the country, I’ve used it at the beach. Indi had transitioned from the bassinet to the stroller so I can comment on both stages. I’ve done a big road trip with the Bee5, and I pretty much use it daily. So I feel like I can truly make an accurate and honest review of this bit of gear.
First up, let’s go for the aesthetics, IT LOOKS NICE. A friend of mine has the Bugaboo Fox which is definitely a lot more luxurious and chic. But the Bee5 still maintains the quality fabrics of the rest of the models. Mine is from the Classic Collection and is navy with white quilting on the inside. And really, it looks lovely. I was worried it would get mucky but the fabric wipes clean and I’m happy with how durable it is. I definitely think this pram could be used for a second baby if you’re looking for a product that’s going to last.
The bassinet attachment is sturdy and keeps your newborn snug in those first few months. When using the bassinet, you do have to remove it separately, before folding down the wheels. But I managed to fit both in my minuscule boot so I was happy. I did find the zip-up cover hard to remove though. It was fine during the winter, but as it got hotter, I thought it might be nice to zip it off and get some air to Indi but it proved difficult. Just thought it was worth mentioning but obviously isn’t a huge thing.

We transitioned to the stroller at 4 months old as Indi had good head support and liked to see the world. It was so nice when she could finally look around and see what was going on! At this stage the five-point straps with padded parts over the shoulders, all felt very safe and kept her in one place.
Looking at my friends’ prams, I did notice that a lot of them seemed to have an inbetween stage, from the bassinet to the stroller. Kind of a leaned-back seat that seemed more closed in, less open to the world. And I do think that would be handy at this age. But the stroller does lean right back so that Indi can lie flat to sleep if she wants.
And with the stroller, the pram can fold down flat in one go. It was majorly handy on our road trip. We went to the seaside to visit my grandparents and they took us on a little tour of the area. Lots of stops, lots of getting the pram in and out of the boot, but it was really easy and just folds and unfolds in one step. Very good for travel, lads.
Oh and it’s worth mentioning that the sun hood is used for both the bassinet and the stroller but it took a few YouTube videos for me to work out how to move it over! Big tip: lift the mattress of the bassinet and press the buttons inside to eject the hood!

Something I was a little worried about beforehand was the wheels on the Bugaboo Bee5. They’re small. It’s the reason the pram is so good for travel and why it folds up small. You don’t have to remove wheels to get it to go in the car like some other prams. But I worried that it might mean that it wasn’t suitable for walks in the park and that the suspension might be terrible. The Bee5 is marketed as an urban city pram so would it be unsuitable for countryside walks?
Well actually, it’s been totally fine. I go for a big walk around the lake once a week and the wheels feel good. It drives smoothly so I’m happy with it. I mean the big wheels on my pals’ prams are definitely smoother and more suitable for all terrains. But what I’m saying is, it’s fine for park visits so is a small compromise in order to be able to travel with it. It’s an all rounder for sure.
Plus, it’s a lot easier to push my pram up a hill compared to my pal’s prams! Lightweight af.
One small problem I do have is that the Bee5 doesn’t have a toy bar. I didn’t even realise I wanted one until my baby was 4 months old and started liking toys, but it would be nice to have one. Again, I’m assuming this is a compromise to get a pram that’s lightweight, so I’m not totally bothered by it. Would just be nice.

As I mentioned, the pram was gifted but I invested in a couple of accessories.
The coffee cup holder is essential I think. It does squish Costa cups a little bit, but it is perfect for a reusable bottle of water when you go out on long walks.
And the grey pram organiser was a game changer for me. Initially I had a big backpack full of supplies I would chuck underneath the pram in the shopping compartment. But rather inconveniently it meant there was no room for actual shopping. The pram organiser velcros onto the handle and is the perfect size to carry everything I need – nappies, wipes, a change of clothes, bib, muslin, spare dummies and a bottle in the insulated bottle compartment. I even put my phone, keys and wallet in it so I don’t have to take a handbag out. It’s basically a Mary Poppins bag and I would be lost without it.
Other accessories I’m currently eyeing up include the parasol for when it’s sunny and a footmuff for when it gets cold again. Ooh and the nifty travel bag for when we finally get on a plane! But all in good time my pretties!
Overall I’m really impressed with the Bugaboo Bee5. I knew I would be making some sacrifices to get a pram that both travelled well and fitted in my car boot, but actually I don’t think it’s been that big of a deal. It’s a good looking pram, it keeps Indi safe and comfortable, it’s super lightweight and easy to transport. I couldn’t really ask for more.
Links to products featured:
Bugaboo Bee5 Pram Classic Collection
Bugaboo Bee5 Bassinet Attachment
Bugaboo Grey Melange Pram Organiser
Bugaboo Cup Holder
Head on over to my Instagram and Twitter pages for regular updates on my travels, motherhood and life in general.
Total Blogger Transparency: The Bugaboo Bee5 Pram was gifted but all opinions expressed are my own. I wouldn’t play you like that, shorty.