3 Lifestyle Changes I’m Making In My Thirties


Yeah, as if I didn’t go on about it enough, I’m now in my thirties, babes.

I turned thirty in January and as one of the oldest of my friendship group, was kinda freaking out about it beforehand.

But what do you know, I survived.

In fact, not a whole lot changed. I felt exactly the same, my life stayed as it was, I didn’t “grow-up” overnight, I didn’t feel the immediate need to settle down and stop spending all of my money on travelling.

But now, a few months in to my thirties, I’m starting to feel a little differently. Because although turning thirty didn’t automatically change anything in my life, maybe I should think about some of the things I want to change in my thirties, y’know?

It’s something that’s been on my mind a lot recently so I wanted to get it all down on (digital) paper.

Primark Jumper & Stripe Trousers

3 Lifestyle Changes I’m Making In My Thirties

Upping My Skincare Game

Okay. I’ve been a bit of a smug bitch about my skin in the past. I sailed through puberty with minimal spots, something I attribute to not caking my face in Dream Matte Mousse along with the rest of my generation. But even in adulthood, I’ve been pretty lucky with clear skin.

But it means that I haven’t really ever taken skincare seriously.

Up until last year my skincare regime consisted of taking my make-up off with a Simple cleansing wipe. And that’s it. I then decided I should probably do a bit more than a 12 year old, switched to Garnier Micellar Water and added a Clinique moisturiser to the mix, which made me feel like a total adult.

But recently my skin has started to suck. I have dry and oily patches on my face and my skin in general doesn’t feel as firm as it used to. And everything just kinda feels dull and tired. OH HELLO THIRTIES, THERE YOU ARE.

I spent Easter weekend reading articles about it (rock and roll) and apparently all the bad stuff you do in your twenties comes out in your skin in your thirties. So all of the late nights drinking and UV damage starts to show up. And I had lots of both in my twenties… Fuck. Time to do what the beauty companies want me to do and buy all the products I guess.

I’ve also decided I want to go cruelty-free in my beauty products from now on. It’s not something I’d really looked into before but it turns out most of the brands I use test on animals. Which is not cool, dude. So I’m going to make a gradual swap into more animal-friendly brands going forwards.

So naturally I went into The Body Shop, got sweet-talked by a Sales Assistant (“you don’t look thirty!”) and walked out with a brand new skincare routine.

I’m going to continue to use Micellar Water as my cleanser and make-up remover, but following it up with their Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner (it smells amazing), Vitamin E Gel Moisture Cream (feels exactly like Clinique Moisture Surge except, y’know, cruelty-free) and Vitamin E Eye Cream (because thirties, innit).

Fingers crossed this holds up and I feel a bit more like me again. I know you can’t beat time and I’m bound to have signs of ageing on my face, but keeping the oily forehead and dry nose under control will be a massive win tbh.

Margate Beach

Start Saving For My Future

YAWN. I know. It’s not the sexiest topic. And it’s also something I’ve already covered in my New Year’s Resolutions this year. But I’m seriously trying to get my financial ducks in a row at the moment.

Josh and I have been talking about when we want to start the whole buying-a-house thing. And although it’s not really feasible any time soon (I’m looking at you credit card), I really want to get my act together and start saving/paying off debts.

I hadn’t really worried about buying because hello I’m a millennial and how we gonna do that, 2018? But now I’m in my thirties, I earn more money than I did in my twenties and I really should start making steps towards buying.

Also, I’d like to be able to retire at some point and not have rent to pay, y’know?

That’s real adult talk right there. I think maybe I did grow up overnight…

So anyway I’ve set a budget up for myself, first to pay off my credit card (if I stop putting flights on it every other month) and then to start saving for a deposit. It means there may be less fashion posts around these parts as I avoid Topshop like the plague, but y’know, priorities, pal.

Margate Old Town

Actually Exercising Regularly

Another of my resolutions, and also something I mentioned in my March Faves – I’m trying to get fit right now. I’ve spent the last month or so getting into yoga but I also want to bite the bullet and do some weight-training. Sigh.

There was a Reddit post the other day that asked 40 year olds what advice they would give their 30 year old self. Y’know what they said? EXERCISE. Apparently the next decade really gets ya where your fitness and body shape are concerned. And whereas the sun damage you do to your skin in your twenties starts showing in your thirties, the lack of exercise in your thirties bites you in the arse in your forties. So I’m taking note.

I feel less excited about this change than the others. But it has to be done right? UGH. But I’m going with it. I’m in my thirties, after all.

Dreamland Margate

That’s all, folks. The big lifestyle changes I’m making to my life in my thirties. I know I’m a massive cliché right now, by the way. These are not original thoughts from someone who has just turned thirty. But hey, this is how it is.

BRB just gotta go cleanse, tone, moisturise and apply my eye cream. Because I’m old now…

Have you made any significant changes to your lifestyle as you’ve gotten older?

Let me know in the comments below, tweet me at @HeelsInBackpack or find me over on Insta at @Heels.In.My.Backpack

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