With 2020 being so insane, it feels like only yesterday I wrote my Thirty Two post. But yes, another year has passed and I am officially another year older. Which lets face it, feels a little unfair after I didn’t really get to do much in the last year (global pandemic and all). The world was paused but I still aged? Huh.
Hello thirty three, I guess.
But hey, I’m happy with my lot. I spent being thirty two watching my baby become a little girl, hustling in my career, making my house a home and appreciating the little things. I may not have travelled to far-flung places or gone to any cool events, but I’m really grateful for the time at home with my family. I’m healthy, I’m content and I have wonderful people in my life.
I admit when everyone was having lockdown birthdays in March and April 2020 I thought I’d gotten away with it! But no, it’s January 2021, we’re in lockdown again and I am having a quarantine birthday. I didn’t really know what to expect, I mean we can’t go anywhere or see anyone, but it’s actually been so lovely! I kicked off my first day of being thirty three with a lay-in, then woke up to banners and balloons in the living room (and a hyperactive toddler). Very cute. Josh bought me an Instax printer, Indi got me a locket and lots of friends and family sent cards, presents and flowers in the post. We went for a nice family walk (the only activity currently allowed) and best of all, I chose all three meals of the day and Josh sorted them all for me! Pancakes for breakfast, takeaway Nandos for lunch and carbonara dinner followed by a chocolate birthday cake. YES.
So yeah this birthday was a little different but it was still really lovely. Luckily I live with my two favourite people in the whole world so lockdown can suck it.
Here’s normally when I talk about the upcoming year. What does thirty three have in store for me? What do I want to accomplish this year?
Well I think based on current circumstances it’s a bit premature to make any plans! Of course I would love some 2021 adventures but at this point who knows when that will be. I’m just hoping that this time next year, when I’m writing my Thirty Four post, I can say I’m happy that some normality returned to my life. That I have PLANS. Ahhh plans, how I miss you so.
But maybe that’s too much to ask for. I think if this time next year we’re all healthy and happy I’ll count myself lucky.
So here’s to another year of my thirties. So far they’re turning it to be pretty good (even with the world on fire.)
Head on over to my Instagram for regular updates on my adventures, motherhood and life in general.