Thirty Two. That’s a proper grown-up age, huh? It’s not like I’m in my carefree twenties anymore, and I’m far from that just-turned-thirty sparkly age. It’s real thirties. Adult thirties.
I mean on paper I definitely seem like a 32 year old. I’m engaged, I have a 1 year old daughter, I own property. I also enjoy being in my pyjamas by 7pm and my favourite Christmas presents this year were candles, fleece loungewear and a big comfy sweatshirt. So yes I’m well and truly in my thirties, mind, body and spirit.
But it just sounds so weird, saying that I’m 32. I think because I don’t feel drastically different to when I was in my twenties. Oh and whilst I was in bed with a cold last week, I binged a whole lot of Gilmore Girls and realised I’m now Lorelai’s age in season 1. The mum of a 16 year old’s age. Mental.
And I mean, I see that because whenever I’m watching something now, I automatically relate to the parents rather than the children. I re-watched The OC and was like I don’t care about these stupid kids burning down houses, they need to be more grateful for their privileged lives. I just want to see how Sandy and Kirsten’s marriage is holding out.
Lately I keep thinking about something I heard once. It goes like this:
- In your twenties, you have time and energy but no money
- In your thirties, you have money and energy but no time.
- In your forties, you have time and money but no energy.
And it’s true. I have no time. I spend my life running around making sure I’m on top of washing and Indi is ok and none of my friends or family feel neglected. Making sure I’m keeping up at work, and my relationship is doing well and I publish a blog post every once in a while. I have a lot of balls in the air. And it means that it feels like yesterday that I sat down to write my Thirty One post.
But Thirty One was a good year. It was a weird year, having a baby and experiencing my life being turned upside down by motherhood. My mum getting diagnosed with cancer and then getting the all-clear. Living with my parents again, then buying our first house. Experiencing the loneliness of maternity leave, then the chaos of being a working mum. It was an emotional rollercoaster. But it was a year I won’t forget.
Honestly I’d like Thirty Two to be a little less eventful! Less big life events, more enjoying the little things (my 2020 goals are over here, lads).
And that is very much represented by a low-key birthday celebration this year. Not as low-key as last year – I was 9 months pregnant and my birthday involved a slice of cake at Costa with my mum followed by an evening of early labour pains. But not the glitz and glam of turning 30 in Copenhagen either.
Instead, Josh and I have booked the day off work and we’re going to be having a pancake breakfast, a fancy lunch and maybe a little beauty treatment in the afternoon. I’m hoping for a girls brunch with my pals later in the month once everyone’s been paid again! And then in a few days it’s Indi’s first birthday! Poor Josh has an expensive few weeks lol.
Anyway, this is just one of those little rambles to mark another year of my life. I’m excited to see what adventures Thirty Two is going to bring me.
Head on over to my Instagram Stories to follow my birthday fun!