Oh hi, hello, welcome back to another installment of Why-The-Fuck-Am-I-Doing-This. You’d think what with my full-time job, baby daughter, new house to maintain and active social life that I would definitely not have time to do anything else. But lol, hello, it’s me, and I’ve decided that I would like to publish a blog post EVERY DAY in November.
You see, I’ve been in a bit of a blogging rut for a while now. When you’re travelling regularly, you quite easily produce a fairly steady stream of content. I mean, that’s the whole point of being a Travel Blogger. But since last October, I haven’t been travelling for obvious reasons. I’ve still managed to bang out some retrospective travel content, and I’ve done a few UK adventures, but I don’t feel like I’ve been at my ~normal~ standard of blogging.
I’ve also created a lot of mum life / pregnancy / real talk kind of posts this year. And I do want to keep doing that. Mainly for me because blogging is my therapy, but also for you, because I get a lot of feedback from new mums that my posts have made them feel better about this crazy world of parenthood we’re navigating.
But I admit it’s been hard to come up with blog posts lately, in all travel and lifestyle categories. I have the ideas, but I don’t have anything pressuring me to write them. So most evenings I end up watching TV in bed by 9pm (after all of the mum duties).
So I came up with an idea. A challenge to get me writing more…
The November Blogathon.
I’m challenging myself to publish a blog post EVERY DAY in November this year.
It might not work out. I definitely don’t have a massive backlog of blog posts to publish so it’ll be a lot of work. But I think it will get me back into the swing of things, as well as giving me a bit of insight into the posts that I love to write and are easy to whip up as opposed to ones that feel like a chore. I just think it might help me figure out the direction this little blog o’ mine is going, if that makes sense?
I figured November would be a good time to do it too as it coincides with my first family holiday to Seville (so expect lots of family travel content) as well as the lead up to Christmas (hello Gift Guides!). It also quite nicely ties in with NaNoWriMo, aka National November Writing Month. This is when writers challenge themselves to write an ENTIRE NOVEL in a month. I’ve always wanted to do it, but I don’t quite have the idea for a book just yet (maybe one day?). But nonetheless, it’s a month of writing so I’m taking it.
So yes, here I am, on day 1 of my big November Blogathon. LET’S DO THIS, KIDS.
And feel free to join me if you feel like your blog life needs a big kick up the arse. Use #NovBlogathon if you do, lads, I’d love to read your posts!
Head over to my Instagram and Twitter pages for regular updates on my travels, motherhood and life in general. Or come back tomorrow for day 2 of my November Blogathon!