I should start by saying that I am not a midwife or a baby expert or anything. I’m just starting out with this whole motherhood thing, so take my advice with a pinch of salt. But I did have a baby in January and there are a few tips I’ve picked up for looking after a newborn baby in the depths of winter.
Let me know if you have any more advice, I’m all ears!

5 Tips For Having A Winter Baby
1. Use A Walla Boo Blanket In The Pram
One of the best gifts I was given when Indi was born was the Walla Boo Blanket (thank you Luke & Tasha!). It’s one of those things I didn’t even know I needed before I had it, but now I couldn’t survive without it!
It’s pretty much a mini duvet to wrap the baby up in the pram and it’s SO COSY. I never worry that Indiana isn’t warm enough and she always sleeps the whole time she’s in the pram. It also has a little cut-out part so you can use it in the car seat too (the straps go through the cut-out part so it’s safe).
2. Layer Up Their Clothes
Knowing what to dress your baby in so that they’re the right temperature is a constant worry. You want them to be warm but not TOO warm and finding the balance can be tricky.
I bought a snowsuit for Indi thinking that’s what babies should wear in winter. It’s size 0-2 months but it completely drowns her, it’s way too big! And that seems to be the smallest size I can find. So the key is to layer up! I think layers are ideal anyway so you can take off a layer when you go inside, y’know?
The trick is to make sure they have one more layer than you do. And a blanket is a layer. So Indi tends to be warm enough in a bodysuit, sleepsuit, cardigan, hat and blanket (or Walla Boo) when we’re out and about. But always feel their chest if you want to check their temp!

3. Get A Room Thermometer
Again with the whole temperature thing, you want to make sure your baby isn’t too hot or too cold at night. And the thing is, I’ve found that I’m not a great gauge of the temp since giving birth. I’m either hot for no reason (hormones) or cold because I’m tired (always tired). So a room thermometer means that I can check the room is just right (current guidelines advise the room should be 16-20 degrees FYI).
I got the Gro Egg which tells you the temperature but also lights up yellow for the optimum temperature, blue if it’s too cold or red if it’s too hot. Definitely makes things easier.
4. Use A Hot Water Bottle To Warm The Crib
When it was cold I’d put Indi to bed and she’d start crying. It took me a few nights to realise the crib sheets were quite cold and were probably the reason she wasn’t liking it right away.
So I followed advice I read about on several Mumsnet/Baby Centre forums and popped a hot water bottle in her bedside crib about 10 minutes before putting her down. It worked a treat, lads. Her bed was toasty and warm and bonus, I got to keep the hot water bottle afterwards! (Obviously take it out of the cot before putting the baby in. Just saying.)
5. Get A Night Light
This is kinda generic advice for all weathers, but something I hadn’t considered at all before having Indi was getting a night light. When you’re getting up for feeds in the night you don’t want to put a big light on as it wakes the baby up more and wakes any partners that may have work the next day (I mean that’s your prerogative). And let’s face it, in the winter, that’s even more feeds in the dark. So a night light is definitely essential.
I got the Gro Light which attaches to any existing light to turn it into a night light. It’s pretty awesome and you can still use your lamp normally. I promise I’m not sponsored by the Gro Company or anything, I just love their products!

Anyhow they’re just a few tips I’ve picked up whilst having a baby in the depths of winter. Please do let me know if your have any more advice for winter babies!
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Total Blogger Transparency: This post contains some affiliate links but all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I wouldn’t play you like that, shorty.