A Note On Feeling Grateful


I don’t know what it is about us humans, but as soon as we get what we want, we want more. We’re always looking to the next step, the next level, something bigger or better. So it’s easy to forget that you’ve come a long way and to feel grateful that you’ve already achieved so much.

I definitely forget to do this.

Especially in the Blogosphere where there are always bloggers with more hits, more followers, more success. There are bloggers being flown around the world, on a new continent every month. There are YouTubers with more fans than actual celebrities. It’s insane.

But something clicked for me this week.

I’ve been under the weather the last week or so and decided to spend the weekend mostly in bed. (No judgement). But naturally I can’t just lay there and do nothing, illness or not, so I decided to spend some quality time editing videos that I’d been meaning to get around to. And one of those was a Channel Trailer for my YouTube.

Y’know, one of those short videos you put on your channel with clips from various videos showcasing what you’re all about.

Well I trawled through the last 18 months of trips (that’s how long I’ve been filming them for) to get my fave snippets and put them all together to an upbeat song. And voila, Channel Trailer complete.

Now I know it’s not one of those perfectly edited videos, and it’s definitely a bit longer than it’s meant to be. But seeing all of my most recent adventures together like that, it just made me feel really proud. And just immensely grateful for all of the opportunities I’ve been given.

I know I know, I’m such a sap right now.

But seriously though, I think I’ve started to take for granted how awesome it is that because of this lil’ website where I ramble my way through hostel reviews and city guides, I’ve been able to travel to awesome destinations and sometimes even get paid for it. Like, that’s crazy isn’t it?

I’m the same when it comes to follower numbers. I groan along with influencers everywhere as Instagram changes algorithms and messes everything up for us and my follower count completely stagnates. And then I’m like, oh yeah babes I actually have quite a decent following and I should probs stop moaning about it. Let’s just remember how psyched I was when I hit 100 followers, yeah?

Anyway, my point is that I’m feeling grateful today. I’ve been able to visit so many amazing destinations over the last year and a half and I’m pretty thrilled about it all.

Here’s the Channel Trailer that went up this week – would love to hear what you think of it? And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel over here, pal.

Let me know what you think in the comments below or tweet me @HeelsInBackpack!

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