Pregnancy: Expectations vs. Reality


Yeah, it’s safe to say pregnancy isn’t quite what I thought it would be…


Expectation: I’m pregnant! At least I don’t have to worry about periods for 9 months…
Reality: Mate, this is the worst period of your life and it’s 9 months long.

Expectation: I’m determined to give my unborn child all the nutrients it needs. I’m only going to eat healthily, with no sweet treats or takeaways, and lots of fruit and veg.
Reality: Let’s have McDonald’s breakfast. Mama needs a hashbrown.

Expectation: I’m going to go swimming 3 times a week when I’m pregnant.
Reality: I’m too tired to take my make-up off, let alone get to the gym… zzzz

Expectation: I’m going to be a cool pregnant gal and wear band t-shirts with leggings and a leather jacket, like those girls on Instagram.
Reality: Hmm, weird, seems to be only breton stripe t-shirts available in maternity sizes… Just buy anything that fits.

Expectation: The first trimester is officially over. So glad there’s no more nausea and exhaustion!
Reality: Oh wait, so not everyone’s body works to the same calendar? Hello constant tiredness throughout second trimester…

Expectation: Can’t wait to take photos of my bump each week and watch it grow!
Reality: Don’t come near me with a camera, I feel like a whale.

Expectation: So excited to have the thicker hair, glowing skin and long nails that come with pregnancy!
Reality: Erm, sorry but I think something’s gone wrong. I have greasy hair, brittle nails and acne. I didn’t sign up for this.

34 weeks pregnant

Expectation: I’m going to take lots of holidays and make the most of travelling as a couple before the baby arrives.
Reality: Feel like shit. Can’t face the airport. Spent all my money on the pram.

Expectation: It’s so sweet when mamas-to-be stroke their bumps lovingly. It must feel so lovely being pregnant.
Reality: I’m holding my stomach for support. It aches to walk.

Expectation: Ooh I’m going to book onto a pregnancy massage, I bet they’re so relaxing!
Reality: Baby kicks bladder throughout.

Expectation: I’m going to take care of my pregnant body by applying 639 creams to my body 7 times a day. I definitely won’t get stretch marks.
Reality: Hahahaha.

Expectation: Can’t wait to make loads of new mum friends at Pregnancy Yoga!
Reality: Oh wait, no, I’m still an introvert.

Expectation: Can’t wait to make loads of new mum friends at NCT!
Reality: Oh wait, no, I’m still an introvert.

Expectation: I’ll be fine working right up to my due date. I sit at a desk after all, how hard can it be?
Reality: Out of breath walking to the printer. Exhausted from the pregnancy insomnia. Hate everyone. Need to be horizontal asap. Send help and Haribo.

Expectation: I’m going to spend maternity leave travelling and having adventures. It’s basically unlimited holiday!
Reality: Wait, maternity pay is how much?!

Expectation: I’m not going to buy lots of unnecessary baby clothes, they just grow out of them so fast. It’s a waste.


Can you relate to any of these? Anything else that didn’t go quite how you had imagined during pregnancy?

Let me know in the comments below or head over to my Instagram and Twitter pages for regular updates on my travels, my pregnancy and life in general.

If you liked this post, make sure you check out my Pregnancy Diaries for the first and second trimesters! (Third trimester coming soon…)

34 weeks pregnant

One comment

  1. A very funny but mostly true scenario. It’s not easy being the perfect mum, in fact, practically impossible. No one is that perfect! 😉 All we can do is try our best!

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